Fix Cannot Paste the Data Error in Microsoft Excel | Stellar

Fix Cannot Paste the Data Error in Microsoft Excel | Stellar

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Fix Cannot Paste the Data Error in Microsoft Excel

When copying and pasting the cell contents or attributes from one workbook to another, you can encounter the “Cannot paste the data” error. The error indicates that the values you are trying to paste do not match the cell format (Currency, Date, Text, etc.) used in the column. The error can occur if you are attempting to paste information into a merged cell. You can also get this error if the data you are trying to paste contains more columns than the destination worksheet can accept or if the copy area and paste area aren’t the same size.

Why you cannot Paste the Data in Microsoft Excel?

You can experience the “Excel cannot paste the data” error due to one of the following reasons:

  • Locked cells
  • Data size limitation
  • Formatting issues
  • The file size is too large
  • Overloaded clipboard
  • Data type mismatch
  • Invalid range
  • Lack of permissions
  • Excel file is corrupted
  • Compatibility issues
  • While pasting the merged cells

Methods to Fix MS Excel Cannot Paste the Data Error

The “Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data” error usually appears when copying and pasting data within the spreadsheet. It primarily affects the copy-and-paste feature within the Excel file. However, the impact of this error may vary with the data you are working with. When this error occurs, first try restarting the Excel application. Ensure that you’ve saved all your important data before restarting the application to prevent data loss. If, after performing this basic step, you still face the issue, then try the following troubleshooting methods.

Method 1: Check and Unlock Cells in Excel

You can get the Excel cannot paste the data error if the cells you are trying to paste in the Excel file are locked. You can check and unlock the specific cells in the Excel file using the below steps:

  • Go to the Home tab in your Excel file and click Format Cell Font popup launcher.

Clicking Cell Font In Home

  • In the Format Cells dialog box, click Protection.

Selecting Protection from Font family with formatting

  • Under the Protection option, unselect the locked field and then click OK.

Click on Locked Cell under Protection Tab

Method 2: Check and Fix the Cell Format

Sometimes, you can get the “Cannot paste the data” error in Excel if there is an issue with the formatting of the cells in the column (in which you are trying to paste the data). You can check whether the cell formats of the columns of the source file (from where you are copying data) match the destination file (in which you are pasting the cell data). If not, then change the cell format. Here’s how to do so:

  • In the Excel file, click on the affected column heading (whose cells you need to modify).
  • Navigate to the Home tab and click the General dropdown menu.

Navigate to Home and Click general drop down menu in Excel

  • Click on the desired cell format that matches the values you are trying to paste into the column.

Method 3: Check Copy and Paste Area Size

The “data cannot be pasted” issue can also occur if Excel detects the copy area of the range of cells is not of the same size and shape as that of the paste area. So, make sure the size of the range of cells for the paste area is same as the copied area. To ensure this, you can try the following:

  • Use Upper-left Cell

 You can select the upper-left cell instead of the complete range to paste.

  • Use Paste Special Option

  • You can use the Paste Special option to paste the data. To use this option, go to Home > Paste Special.

Navigate to Home And click on Paste Special in Excel

  • You can choose from the different options, such as paste all, formulas, operations, Transpose, skip blanks, etc. to take control over how the data is pasted.

Click on Paste and Selection of Operations from Paste Special Properties

Method 4: Check and Unmerge Cells

The merged cells in the workbook can create discrepancies when copying and pasting data. These can create mismatch between the source and destination cell areas, resulting in errors. Make sure you are not pasting the data copied from merged cells. You can check and unmerge the cells using the below steps:

  • Open the Excel file (in which you are copying data) and go to the Home tab.
  • Click Merge & Center > Unmerge Cells.

Under Excel Navigate to Home and click on Merge and Center

Method 5: Unselect the Excel DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) Option

Sometimes, you can get the Excel cannot paste the data error while copying and pasting data from Excel file to external data sources or applications. It usually appears if you have established DDE links between them. To resolve this, you can uncheck the “Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)” option. Follow the below steps to do so:

  • Open your Excel file.
  • Go to File > Options.

In Excel Options, click Advanced and unselect “Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). Click OK.

Under Excel Navigate to Home and click on Merge and Center

Here are some additional solutions you can try to fix the “Cannot paste the data” error in Excel

Check the Excel File Format

Sometimes, the copy and paste error can occur if you try to move data from an older version of Excel file (XLS) into a newer version file (XLSX) or vice versa. You can try to change or convert the file format to resolve the issue.

Clear Clipboard

Too many items on the clipboard can prevent you from copying and pasting the data. You can empty your clipboard  by deleting all clips. To do this, go to Home and click the Clipboard option.

Change the Column’s Cell Format

You can get the “Cannot paste the data” error when the information you need to paste does not match the cell format in the column. In such a case, you can change the column’s cell format. To do this, navigate to the Home option and then click on the General menu arrow. Then, change the cell format suitable to the type of information you are trying to paste in that column.

Add Columns

The copy-and-paste error in Excel can also occur if there are not enough columns to accept the data that you are trying to paste. You can insert more columns and then try copying and pasting data. To insert additional columns, click on the column heading, click Home, and then select Insert.

Remove Incompatible Add-ins

Sometimes, incompatible or faulty add-ins can also create conflicts with Excel’s clipboard operations, leading to the error. To check if add-ins are causing the issue, open the Excel file in safe mode. In safe mode, if you are able to paste the data, then check and uninstall the incompatible Excel Add-ins.

What to do if Nothing Works?

If the above methods do not work, then corruption in the Excel file could be the cause of the “Cannot paste the data” error. In such a case, you can use Excel’s built-in Open and Repair utility to repair the corrupted file. Here’s how to use this utility to repair the Excel file:

  • Open your Excel application.
  • Navigate to File and then click Open.
  • Click the Browse option to select the affected Excel file.
  • The Open dialog box opens up. Click on the corrupted file.
  • From the Open dropdown, select the Open and Repair option.
  • The Excel will prompt you to choose one of the below options:
  • Repair
  • Extract
  • Cancel
  • Select the Repair option to extract maximum data from the file. If the Repair option fails, choose the Extract option to recover the data, excluding formulas and values.

 The Open and Repair utility may not be able to repair your Excel file if it is severely corrupted. In such a situation, the best possible way out is to use a professional Excel repair software to repair the file. You can try Stellar Repair for Excel. It can repair highly damaged or corrupted Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xltm, .xltx, or .xlsm) file and recover all the objects from the file by maintaining the original formatting. The tool supports 2007 and higher editions of MS Excel. You can download the demo version of the software to preview the repaired objects and verify its functionality.


The “Excel cannot paste the data” error in Excel can occur due to different factors. You can check and clear the clipboard, unmerge the cells, unlock the cells, and use various other methods mentioned above to troubleshoot the error. If you fail to copy and paste the data due to file corruption, then opt for an advanced Excel repair software, like Stellar Repair for Excel. It is a reliable tool that can help you repair highly damaged/corrupted Excel files. It enables you to recover all the objects from the corrupted Excel file, with complete integrity.

Ways to Fix Personal Macro Workbook not Opening Issue

Many users have reported encountering issues while accessing personal macro workbook, such as personal macro workbook not opening, personal macro workbook not loading automatically, Excel personal macro workbook keeps getting disabled, etc.

Such issues may arise due to a problem with the directory where the personal workbook is stored. However, there are various other reasons that may lead to such issues. Below, we’ll discuss the reasons behind the personal macro workbook not opening issue and the solutions to troubleshoot and fix the issue. But before proceeding, let’s understand why personal macro workbook is used.

Why Personal Macro Workbook is used?

You can access macros in a specific Excel workbook. However, when you need to use the same macro in other Excel worksheets, then you can create a personal macro workbook. A personal macro workbook (Personal.xlsb) is a hidden workbook that is used to store all macros. It makes your macros available every time you open Excel.

Causes of Personal Macro Workbook not Opening Issue

You may encounter personal macro workbook is not opening issue when attempting to record macros. Some possible causes behind such an issue are:

  • Personal macro workbook is stored at an untrusted location
  • Location of xlsb is changed
  • Personal macro workbook is hidden
  • Personal macro workbook becomes corrupted
  • Disabled items in add-ins
  • Workbook is Read-only

Methods to Fix the “Personal Macro Workbook not Opening” Issue

 Follow the given methods to fix the personal macro workbook is not opening issue:

Method 1: Check the Path of Personal.xlsb

The personal macro workbook (Personal.xlsb) file is stored in XLStart folder. It opens automatically when you open your Excel application. However, sometimes it fails to load automatically. It usually occurs when you try to open the file from an incorrect path. You can check the path of Personal.xlsb by following these steps:

  • Open the workbook.
  • Click on the Developer tab.

developer tab

  • Press Alt + F11 to open Visual Basic Editor.
  • Go to View > Immediate Window.

immediate window

  • In Immediate Window, type the following code to know the location of the workbook:


  • Then, hit Enter.

personal macro workbook window

  • You will see the path of the personal macro workbook.
  • Copy the path and paste it into Quick Access field in File Explorer.

File Explorer window

Method 2: Unhide Personal Macro Workbook

If personal macro workbook is hidden, you may unable to see and open the Personal.xlsb file. To unhide the personal Macro workbook, follow the below steps:

  • In Microsoft Excel, go to View and then click Unhide

unhide personal workbook window

  • The Unhide dialog box is displayed. Click PERSONAL and then OK.

unhide window

Method 3: Enable the Macro Add-ins

You may unable to open the previously recorded macros in your personal macro workbook if the macros are disabled. To check and enable the items, follow these steps:

  • Go to File > Options.
  • In Excel Options, click on the Add-ins
  • Select Disabled Items from the Manage section and click on Go.

Access Option to Disable Items

  • The Disabled Items dialog box appears. Click on the disabled item and then click Enable.

Method 4: Change the Trusted Location

You may encounter the “personal macro workbook not opening” issue if the Personal.xlsb file is stored at an untrusted location. You can check and modify the path of XLSTART folder using the Trust Center window. Here are the steps:

  • Open MS Excel. Go to File > Options.
  • Click Trust Center > Trust Center Settings.
  • In the Trust Center Settings dialog box, click on Trusted Locations.

Trust Center Window

  • Verify the path of the XLSTART If it is untrusted or there is any issue, then click Modify and then click OK.

Method 5: Repair your Excel File

You may fail to open personal macro workbook if it is corrupted. To repair the corrupt workbook, you can use the built-in Open and Repair utility in MS Excel. To use this tool, follow these steps:

  • Open your Excel application.
  • Click File > Open.

Go to Options window

  • Browse to the location where the corrupted file is stored.
  • In the Open dialog box, select the corrupted workbook.
  • From the Open dropdown list, click Open and Repair.

The dialog box appears with the Repair and Extract buttons. Click Repair to retrieve all possible data or the Extract option to recover the data without formulas and values.

If the Open and Repair utility fails to repair the corrupted Excel workbook, then you can use a professional Excel repair tool, such as Stellar Repair for Excel. It can easily repair severely corrupted Excel (XLSX and XLS) files and recover all the components. You can download the free trial version of the tool to preview the recoverable data.


This article discussed the ways to fix the personal macro workbook not opening issue. In case you are unable to open the personal macro workbook because of corruption in the workbook, you can use the Open and Repair utility in MS Excel. If it fails, then you can use Stellar Repair for Excel to fix corruption in the Excel file and recover all its data with complete integrity.

Excel AutoRecover not working, what is next?

Consider a Scenario

A professional with Windows 10 computer had MS Office 2016 installed on it. For an official purpose, he worked on an Excel workbook and saved it as an XLSX file. After working for hours on it, which was saved with a file name, a power outage occurred in his building for quite some time. After the power was back, he reopened Excel to find a list of recovered files in ‘Document Recovery’ section on the screen’s left side. However, the file that he had worked on recently was the ‘Original version,’ i.e. the last version saved by him and not the auto-saved Excel file. This meant the Excel document did not have any new data that was entered since the last time he saved it. Consequently, he lost hours of work. According to him, this happened despite the fact that the ‘AutoRecover’ feature was enabled. (Still, this needs to be checked and ensured.)

The ‘AutoRecover’ feature might not work in any of these cases:

  • AutoRecover Feature is disabled - With this feature disabled, the Excel files are not auto-saved if the document is closed without saving, or the document closes unexpectedly due to an untoward incidence. To check, see if ‘Save AutoRecover information every * minutes’ and ‘Keep the last auto-saved version if I close without saving’ checkboxes are checked or unchecked. If either one is unchecked or both are unchecked, it signifies that the AutoRecover feature is disabled. Else, the AutoRecover is enabled.
  • Corruption in the Excel XLSX file – If ‘AutoRecover’ is enabled, most probably the cause is ‘damaged Excel XLSX file.’

Before discussing solutions to resolve the ‘Excel AutoRecover not working’ issue, let’s have an overview of the ‘AutoRecover’ and ‘AutoSave’ features.

A Brief Overview of Excel AutoRecover and AutoSave Feature

AutoRecover is an inbuilt feature in MS Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2003, and 2007 that allows saving all of the ‘open Excel files’ at a fixed-interval in a user-specified location or AutoRecover file location. Besides, AutoSave is an add-in that exists in Excel 2002 and earlier versions to save all open Excel files in case of a crash, power outage, or accidental closure of Excel files without saving. Users can recover these files if Excel closes suddenly, for instance, at the time of power outage or failure. The auto-recovered Excel files are saved at a default location.

Methods to Fix ‘Excel AutoRecover Not Working’ Issue

Manual Methods

Method 1 - Enable the ‘AutoRecover’ Feature if Disabled

Make sure that you have the ‘AutoRecover’ feature enabled in your Excel application. If not, follow these steps to enable it:

  • Open Excel with MS Excel 2016/2019
  • Click on File and then on Options tab
  • In ‘Excel Options’, click on Save tab
  • Check ‘Save AutoRecover information every * minutes’ and ‘Keep the last auto saved version if I close without saving’ box
  • Set the time in ‘Save AutoRecover information every * minutes’
  • Click on the OK button

Note: With this method, it is not possible to recover data from the current Excel file. From next time onwards, the AutoRecover feature starts working following which Excel shall start auto-saving Excel files as per the time set in ‘Save AutoRecover information every * minute’.

Method 2 - Repair Corrupt Excel File

If corruption in Excel XLSX file has resulted in ‘Excel AutoRecover not working’ issue, you will need to repair Excel file . Use ‘Open and Repair’ inbuilt utility to fix and repair the damaged (corrupt) Excel file and extract its data. To use the inbuilt utility, execute the following steps:

  • Go to location “C:\Users\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles” to find Excel TMP files and save it as XLSX file

Note: In Windows 8, the location is the same as mentioned above that is for Windows 10. In Windows 7, the location is “C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\”

  • Open a blank Excel sheet; click File >> Open
  • Go to the location and folder containing the damaged Excel file
  • In the Open dialog box, choose the damaged Excel file and click the arrow next to the Open button, and then click Open and Repair
  • In the window that appears, click Repair to recover as much data as possible

Now, open the Excel (XLSX) file to check if the Excel file is repaired and its data is recovered.

Use a Professional Excel File Repair Tool

Using a third-party Excel file repair tool can help you repair damaged Excel XLSX file and recover all the data. Stellar Repair for Excel  is one tool you can rely on to repair severely corrupt Excel files (XLSX or XLS).

Here are a few other reasons why you should choose Stellar Repair for Excel software:

  • Repairs Excel file while keeping the worksheet properties and cell formatting same as before.
  • Recovers all of the Excel file components like tables, forms, reports, charts, chart sheets, cell comments, formulas, images, etc.
  • Can batch repair multiple Excel files simultaneously
  • Supports Excel 2019 and earlier versions

Free download Stellar Repair for Excel


To help resolve the problem of ‘AutoRecover not working’, different methods have been discussed, depending on the cause of the problem. These solutions can be implemented to check the possibility of getting back maximum data added in last saved version of the Excel file. However, to fix corruption in the excel file, using a specialized tool such as Stellar Repair for Excel software recommended by MS Excel Experts and MVPs can help. The software can repair severely damaged Excel file easily and efficiently.

‘Open and Repair’ Doesn’t Work in MS Excel

Summary: In this Blog, we will go through Microsoft office most important product i.e Microsoft excel, let’s get into all possible Manual and an alternate method to deal with MS Excel open and Repair doesn’t work issue, read on to know more.

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Whether you are a student or an entrepreneur, the features of Microsoft Excel do not delude anyone. Setting goals, creating budgets, analyzing data, calculating salaries, is there anything that Excel can’t do? All of us have used it and trusted it to calculate and provide a solution to our most difficult problems. However, like every other software application, this otherwise reliable application can sometimes fall prey to unexpected errors which can even threaten to make our critical data inaccessible.

Open and Repair doesn’t work

A good idea to avoid loss of data when a Microsoft Excel file becomes corrupt is to take some proactive measures, such as saving a backup copy of your files and creating an automatic recovery file at periodic intervals. If you are faced with a corrupted Excel file, you know you can still use the ‘Open and Repair’ function provided by Microsoft to fix and open corrupt Excel file. However, what should a user do when ‘Open and Repair’ is not working? This is a query shared by millions of Excel users worldwide. Sometimes, the ‘Open and Repair’ functionality of Excel stops working due to unknown reasons. In such cases, if users face Excel file corruption, they get stuck with no idea how to fix the Excel file.

Manual method “Reference”

In this guide, we’re providing you with the solutions to this very problem. If Excel ‘Open and Repair’ is not working, read on to find out the procedures that you can perform to open corrupted files.

‘Open and Repair’ doesn’t work: Try an alternative solution i.e. Stellar Repair for Excel to recover everything from corrupt Excel files.

How to Fix Excel file that Won’t Open

If your workbook is opening in Excel, there are two options to recover its data. It would be best if you try to perform one, and if you are unsuccessful, move on to the next.

Revert the workbook to the version that was saved before the corruption

  • Launch Excel and click File -> Open

Excel File Open

  • Select the file that is corrupted and open it
  • Click ‘Yes’ to save the copy of the workbook that was saved before corruption

Important Note: If you use this method, you will lose all changes made to the file after it was corrupted.

Save the workbook in the SYLK file format

  • Launch Excel and click File -> Save As.
  • In the Save as Type field, select SYLK (Symbolic Link) from the drop-down menu, and click Save.

Save Excel Workbook in SYLK File Format

  • To save only the active sheet in the workbook, click OK. The system will display a message that the sheet has features that are not compatible with the SYLK file format.
  • Click Yes.
  • In Excel click File -> Open.
  • Select the file that you saved in SYLK file format and open it.
  • In Excel click File -> Save As.
  • In the Save as Type field, select Excel Workbook from the drop-down menu.
  • In the File Name field, type a new name for your workbook and click Save.

The SYLK file format will filter out the corrupted elements from your workbook, thereby restoring your data.

Important Note: Using this method you only be able to salvage the active sheet in the workbook.

How to Open/Fix an Excel file that cannot be opened

In this case too, there are two options to recover the data. Try to perform one, and if you are unsuccessful, move on to the next.

Set the calculation option to Manual

  • Launch Excel and click File -> New.


  • From the Available Templates window, select Blank workbook.


  • Click File -> Options.
  • Under Formulas, in the Calculation options section, click Manual.


  • Click OK.
  • In Excel click File -> Open.
  • Select the corrupted file and open it.

The system opens the corrupted file. Since the workbook won’t be calculated, it might open.

  • Launch Excel and click File -> Open.
  • Copy the name of the corrupted file and click Cancel.
  • In Excel click File -> New.
  • From the Available Templates window, select Blank workbook.
  • In the new workbook, on cell A1, type the following:

=File Name!A1

In the above command, the filename is the name of the corrupted file.

  • On the Update Values dialog box, select the corrupted file and click OK.
  • On the Select Sheet dialog box, select the sheet and click OK.
  • Select cell A1. Select the same range of rows and columns as occupied by the data in the corrupted sheet, including cell A1.
  • Under the Home tab, in the Clipboard section, click Paste.
  • While the range of rows and columns are still selected, click Copy.
  • Click the Paste
  • Under Paste Values, click Values.

Note: This method lets you recover only the data but not the values and formulas from the workbook.

Alternative Solution

In addition to the above-mentioned techniques, you can also use macros to extract data from a corrupted workbook. However, macros are generally risky, and executing them needs prior technical knowledge.

Thus, if the above methods do not yield the desired results, a quick and easy way for reconstructing Excel files is to use Excel Recovery Software . Stellar Repair for MS SQL software is the best choice for rebuilding damaged Excel files and restoring everything to a new Excel file. The product lets you recover table, chart, chart-sheet, cell comment, image, formula, sort and filter data from damaged workbooks and also allows you to fix multiple files at one go.

Free Download for Windows

Wrapping it up

Though one of the above-mentioned techniques should recover Excel file if ‘_Open and Repair’ utility doesn’t work_, in case you’ve reached nowhere even after using them, contact Microsoft support for more help.

How to Fix ‘Sharing Violation Error’ when Saving Excel?

Summary: You may encounter the sharing violation error in Excel when you repeatedly save changes in a workbook. The error can occur due to different reasons. In this blog, we will discuss the possible reasons behind this sharing violation error and some effective solutions to fix it. If the issue has occurred due to corruption in Excel file, you can try the advanced Excel repair tool mentioned in the post to repair the corrupted file.

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It is not uncommon to encounter errors while working with Excel application. One common error that Excel users face is the sharing violation error that occurs while saving an Excel spreadsheet. The complete error message says, “Your changes could not be saved to file because of a sharing violation.” When this error occurs, users won’t be able to save the changes in the file. So, it is important to fix this issue as soon as possible. But before fixing the error, let’s find out the causes behind this error.

Causes of Excel Sharing Violation Error

This error may pop up due to the below reasons:

  • The file you are trying to save is corrupted.
  • The Excel file is not in the trusted location.
  • Sharing Wizard is disabled.
  • You do not have permission to modify the Excel file.
  • The Excel file is not permitted to get indexed.

Methods to Fix the Sharing Violation Error in Excel

You can move the affected Excel file to a new folder and save it with a different name. Then, see if it fixes the error. If it doesn’t help, you can try the below methods.

Method 1: Check and Change the Excel File Properties

You can get the sharing violation error in Excel if the file attribute options, such as “File is ready for archiving” and “Allow this file to have contents indexed in addition to file properties” are disabled. You can check the File Properties and enable these options to fix the issue. Here are the steps:

  • Right-click on any Excel file and select Properties.

Click On Properties Option

  • In the Properties window, click on the Advanced option.

Click On Advanced Button On Properties Window

  • In the Advanced Attributes window, select the below options under File attributes:
  • File is ready for archiving.
  • Allow this file to have contents indexed in addition to file properties.

Select File Is Ready For Archiving Option

  • Click OK.

Note: If these options are already selected, then unselect and re-select them.

Method 2: Enable Sharing Wizard Option

The error “Your changes could not be saved to file because of a sharing violation” can also occur if the sharing wizard option is disabled on your system. You can check and enable the sharing wizard option using these steps:

  • Go to your system’s Documents folder.
  • Click View > Options > Change folders and search options.

Click View Option In Documents

  • In the Folder Options window, click View.

In Folder Options Click On View

  • Under the View section, search for the “Use Sharing Wizard” option in the Advanced Settings.

Select Use Sharing Wizard

  • If the Use Sharing Wizard option is unselected, select it and then click OK.

Method 3: Move the Excel File to a Trusted Location

You can encounter the sharing violation error if the file you are trying to save is not in the trusted location. You can try moving the file to a trusted location by following these steps:

  • In Excel, go to File and then click Options.
  • Click Trust Center and then click Trust Center Settings.

Click Trust Center Settings In Trust Center

  • In the Trust Center window, click Trusted Locations and then click Add new location.

Click On Add New Location Option

  • In the Add new location window, select Browse to locate and choose the folder, and then click OK.

Method 4: Open Excel in Safe Mode

Incompatible add-ins can create issues in the Excel file. To check if the sharing violation issue has occurred due to add-ins, open Excel in safe mode. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Open the Run window using Windows + R.

Type Safe Mode Command In Excel

  • Type excel /safe and click on OK.
  • Open the affected file and then try to save the changes.
  • If you are able to save the changes without any error, then it indicates add-ins are causing the issue. To fix this, you can remove the recently downloaded add-ins (if any).

Method 5: Repair the Excel File

Corruption in Excel file can also create issue while saving the changes. In such a case, you can repair the corrupted Excel file using the inbuilt utility in Excel, named Open and Repair. Follow these steps to use this utility:

  • In Excel, navigate to File > Open > Browse.
  • In the Open dialog box, click on the affected Excel file.
  • Click the arrow next to the Open button and select Open and Repair from the dropdown.
  • Click on the Repair option to recover as much data from the file as possible.

If the above utility fails to fix the corrupt Excel file, then you can use a more powerful Excel repair tool , such as Stellar Repair for Excel. This Excel repair tool can repair even severely corrupted or damaged Excel files (xls, .xlsx, .xltm, .xltx, and .xlsm). This tool can recover all the data from the corrupted Excel file, including images, chart sheets, formulas, etc., without changing the original format. It can help in fixing common corruption-related errors in Excel. You can download the software’s demo version to scan the corrupt file.

To Conclude

Above, we have discussed some effective methods to fix the sharing violation error in Excel. This error may also occur if you try to save the Excel file in an incompatible format. So, check the format and try saving the file in a compatible format. If the error occurs due to Excel file corruption, you can repair corrupt Excel file using the Open and Repair tool. If nothing works, then download a third-party Excel repair tool, such as Stellar Repair for Excel. It is an advanced tool that can fix severely corrupted Excel files. You can install this repair tool on any Windows system.

How to Fix “File Not Loaded Completely” Error in Excel?

Summary: You may get the “File not loaded completely” error when opening a large-sized Excel file. Read this post to understand the causes behind this issue and the troubleshooting solutions to fix this Excel error. Also, you’ll get to know about an Excel repair tool that can help fix the issue if the cause is corruption in the Excel file.

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Several users have reported experiencing the “File not loaded completely” error while opening Excel spreadsheets or when importing CSV file into Excel. This error can occur if the worksheet has crossed the maximum rows and columns limit , i.e., 1048576 rows by 16,386 columns. However, this issue can also occur due to various other reasons. Let’s take a look at the possible causes behind this error.

Why this Error Occurs?

The “File not loaded completely” issue can occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • The Excel file you are trying to open is corrupted.
  • The Excel file is too large.
  • The Excel file has crossed the rows limit.
  • Memory issue in your system.

Methods to Resolve the “File not Loaded Completely” Error

Following are some methods you can try to fix the Excel file not loaded completely issue.

Method 1: Try to Import the Spreadsheet into MS Access

A large-sized Excel file takes time and memory to load. When you try opening a large file, you may get the “file not loaded completely” error. It indicates your file contains unwanted rows and columns. In such a case, you can try importing your spreadsheet into Access. By doing this, you can easily access the rows and columns in the database table, and then remove the extra rows. Follow the steps below to import your spreadsheet into Access:

  • Open a blank database in Access application.
  • Navigate to the External Data tab and then click on the Excel button.

Open Get Data Excel Spreadsheet Window In Excel

  • In the Get Data-Excel Spreadsheet window, click Browse.

Click Browse On Get External Data Excel Spreadsheet

  • In the File Open dialog box, select the Excel file (in which you are getting the error) and click Open.

File Open Dialog Box In File Open Dialog Box

  • Select Import the source data into a new table in the current database and click OK.

Click Import The Source Data Into A New Table Option

  • In the Import Spreadsheet Wizard window, you’ll see all the rows and columns of your Excel file. Click Next.

Click Next On Import Spreadsheet Wizard

  • In the dialog box that appears, you can modify the field information (extra columns or rows).

Modify Info In Import Spreadsheet Wizard

  • Once you performed the changes, click on the Next button.

  • Provide a name to the table.

Provide Name To Table In Import Spreadsheet Wizard

  • Next, select the option “I would like a wizard to analyze my table after importing the data” (if you want to analyze the data) and click Finish.
  • You will get a dialog box with a message. Click Yes.
    Provide Name To Table In Import Spreadsheet Wizard
  • The Table Analyzer wizard will appear on the screen.

Table Analyzer Wizard Window

  • Click on the Next button.

Click Next On Table Analyzer Wizard

  • Follow the instructions of the Table Analyzer wizard.
  • Once you complete all the steps, select “Save import step” and click Close.

Get External Data Excel Spreadsheet

Method 2: Split Your Large Excel File

You may face the Excel file not loaded completely issue when importing a large Excel file. In such a case, you can try splitting your large file into smaller ones. To split the file, you can use VBA codes or the move or copy feature.

Method 3: Stop Unwanted Processes Running in the Background

Sometimes, you get the “File not loaded completely” error if you are running multiple files or programs simultaneously. You can check and stop unnecessary background processes in Windows using your system’s Task Manager. Here are the steps:

  • Press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys to open the Task Manager window.

Task Manager Window

  • Navigate to the Processes tab and check the Memory section.
  • You can see the memory consumption of all the applications in your system.
  • Select the unwanted applications and click on End Task.

End Task In Task Manager

Now, try to open the Excel file.

Method 4: Repair your Excel File

Sometimes, Excel throws the “File not loaded completely” error if it fails to read the data in your file. This might happen if your Excel file is corrupt. You can use the Open and Repair utility in Excel to repair your Excel file. Follow the below steps:

  • In Excel, click the File tab and then click Open.
  • Click Browse to select the desired file.
  • In the Open dialog box, click on the corrupted file.
  • Click on the arrow next to the Open button and then select Open and Repair.

File Open Dialog Box In File Open Dialog Box

  •  Click on the Repair button.

Click On Repair Button

  • After repair, you will see a message as shown in the below figure.

After Repair Excel Completed File Level Validation Message

  • Click Close.

An Alternative Solution

If your file gets corrupted, then repairing it using the “Open and Repair” utility is a good option. However, the Open and Repair utility may not work if the file is severely damaged or corrupted. In such a case, you can use a professional Excel repair tool, such as Stellar Repair for Excel. This tool is primarily designed to repair inaccessible or corrupted Excel files. It can effectively work even if your file is too large or severely damaged. It can recover all the data from the corrupted Excel file without impacting its actual format. The software supports Excel files of almost all Excel versions.


The File not loaded completely issue in Excel may occur due to numerous reasons. Try the troubleshooting methods listed above to resolve the issue. If the Excel file is corrupt, then you can try repairing your file using the Open and Repair tool. However, it can fix only minor corruption issues. If your file is severely corrupted, then use Stellar Repair for Excel . The software offers you the safest way to repair your Excel file without making any changes in the formatting. You can download the free trial version of the software today to scan and preview the Excel file.

How to fix Pivot Table Field Name is not Valid error in Excel?

The Pivot Table field name is not valid error can occur while creating, modifying, or refreshing data fields in the pivot table. It can also appear when using VBA code to modify the pivot table. It usually occurs when there is an issue with the field name in a code or if there is a hidden or empty column in the pivot table. However, there could be many other reasons behind this error.

Why the “Pivot Table Field Name is not Valid” Error Occurs?

You can get the “Pivot Table field name not valid” error in Excel due to several reasons. Some possible causes are:

  • Excel file is corrupted
  • Damaged fields in the pivot table
  • Pivot table is corrupted/damaged
  • Hidden columns in the pivot table
  • Macro (referring to the pivot table) is corrupted
  • Preserve formatting option is enabled
  • Missing or incorrect fields in the VBA code
  • Issue with workbook.RefreshAll method syntax (if using)
  • Pivot Table contains empty columns
  • Header values or header column is missing in the Pivot Table
  • Pivot table is created without headers
  • Columns/rows are deleted from the Pivot Table

Methods to Fix Pivot Table Field Name is not Valid Error in Excel

You can get this error if you have selected the complete data sheet and then trying to create the Pivot Table. Make sure you choose only the data fields that you want to insert in the Pivot Table. If this is not the case, then follow the troubleshooting methods mentioned below.

Method 1: Check the Header Value in the Pivot Table

The “Pivot table field name is not valid” error can occur if you have not set up the pivot table correctly. All the columns having data in them should have header and header values. A pivot table without a header value can create issues. You can check the header and its value from the Formula bar. Change the header if the header value is too lengthy or if it contains special characters.

Adding reference for the document with details.

Method 2: Check and Change the Data Range in the Pivot Table

The “Pivot Table field name is not valid” can occur while modifying a field in Pivot Table. It usually occurs if you’re trying to add or modify the field by selecting an incorrect data range in the Create PivotTable dialog box. The “Create PivotTable“ feature helps define how data would be displayed within the pivot table.

Let’s take a scenario to understand this. Open the Excel file with PivotTable. Click on the fields (you want to add), go to the Insert option, and click PivotTable.

Inserting a Pivot Table from selection

If you select an incorrect range, i.e. A1:E18, instead of correct range - “Expenses**!$A$3:Expenses!$A$4**,” you will immediately get the error message.

Selecting a table range with values for report

So, type the correct range under the Select a table or range option and click OK.

Method 3: Unhide Excel Columns/Rows

The error can also occur if some columns/rows of the Pivot Table’s data source are hidden. When you try to add a hidden column as a field in the PivotTable, the Excel application will fail to read the data of the hidden column. You can check and unhide the Excel columns by following these steps:

  • Open the Excel file.

  • Locate the hidden column number.

  • Move your cursor on the hidden column number and right-click on the space between the columns. Click Unhide.

    unhiding the rows in Excel

Method 4: Check and Delete Empty Excel Columns

Sometimes, you can get the “Pivot Table field name is not valid” error if you are trying to use an empty column as a field in your Pivot Table. Check the columns with no values in all cells. If found, then delete the empty columns. This method is ideal for small-size Excel files. However, for large-sized files, it is a time-consuming process.

Method 5: Unmerge the Column Header (If Merged)

The “Pivot Table field name is not valid” error can also occur due to merged column headers. The pivot table references headers to identify the data inside the rows or columns. The merged headers can sometimes create data inconsistencies. You can try unmerging the column headers to fix the issue. Follow these steps:

  • In the Excel file, go to the Home

  • Click the Merge & Center option and select Unmerge Cells from the dropdown.

    unmerging cells from home tab in Excel

Method 6: Disable the Background Refresh Option

If the “background refresh” option in the Excel file is enabled, it may also create issues with Pivot Table. The Excel updates all the pivot tables in the background even after a small change if the background refresh option is enabled. This may create issues if the Excel file is large with too many tables. You can try turning off the “background refresh” option in the Excel file to troubleshoot the issue. Here is how to do so:

  • In the Excel file, go to the Data tab and then click Connections.

    Adding connections from the data

  • In the Workbook Connectionsdialog box, click on the ‘Add’ dropdown to add the workbook (in which you need to modify the refresh settings).

    Add the option for the Workbook connections.

  • Once you have chosen the Excel file, click Properties.

    Selecting Properties for the Workbook connections.

  • In the Connection Properties window, unselect the **”Enable background refresh”**option, select the “Refresh data when opening the file“, and click **OK.

    Enabling the connection properties by enabling and refreshing data


Method 7: Check the VBA Code

The error can also occur when working with PivotTable using VBA code in Excel. Some Excel users reported this error on forums as run-time error 1004: The PivotTable field name is not valid. This error usually occurs when there are issues in the VBA code, affecting the PivotTable data source or field references. You can check field names referring to PivotTable or Workbook.RefreshAll function syntax and other errors in the code.

Method 8: Repair your Excel File

One of the reasons behind the “Pivot Table field name is not valid” error is corruption in the Excel file, containing the Pivot Table. You can repair your Excel file using Microsoft built-in utility - Open and Repair. Here’s how to use this utility:

  • In Excel, navigate to File > Open.

  • Click Browse to choose the affected workbook.

  • The Open dialog box will appear. Click on the corrupted file.

  • Click the arrow next to the Openbutton and then select Open and Repair.

  • You will see a dialog box with three buttons - Repair, Extract Data, and Cancel.

    Repairing the corrupt workbook from Excel

  • Click on the Repair button to recover as much of the data as possible.

  • After repair, a message is displayed. Click Close.

Method 9: Use a Professional Excel Repair Tool

If the Excel file is heavily damaged or corrupted, then the “Open and Repair” utility may not work or provide the intended results. In such a case, you can opt for a professional Excel repair tool. Stellar Repair for Excel is an advanced Excel file repair tool, which is highly recommended by experts. It can repair severely corrupted Excel files and restore all the data from corrupt file, including pivot tables. This tool comes with a user-friendly interface that even a non-technical user can use. You can try the software’s demo version to check how it works. The software is fully compatible with all Excel versions, including Excel 2019.


The Excel error “Pivot Table field name is not valid” can occur due to hidden or merged column/row headers, empty columns/rows, corrupted pivot table, and various other reasons. You can try the methods mentioned above to fix the error. If this error has occurred due to corruption in the Excel file, then you can use Stellar Repair for Excel - an advanced tool to repair corrupted pivot table, macros, fields, or other elements in an Excel file. It is compatible with all Windows editions, including the latest Windows 11. It can help fix the error if the data source or Pivot table configuration is affected by corruption.

  • Title: Fix Cannot Paste the Data Error in Microsoft Excel | Stellar
  • Author: Nova
  • Created at : 2024-03-13 16:28:20
  • Updated at : 2024-03-14 17:53:47
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Fix Cannot Paste the Data Error in Microsoft Excel | Stellar