Fix Excel 2016 formula not showing result | Stellar

[Fix] Excel formula not showing result
Summary: Is your Excel spreadsheet showing text of a formula you’ve entered and not its result? This blog explains the possible reasons behind such an issue. Also, it describes solutions to fix the ‘Excel formula not showing result’ error. You can try Stellar Repair for Excel software to recover engineering and shared formulas.
Sometimes, when you type a formula in a cell of worksheet and press Enter, instead of showing the calculated result, it returns the formula as text. For instance, Excel cell shows:
But you should get the result as:
Why Does Excel Show or Display the Formula Not the Result?
Following are the possible reasons that may lead to the ‘Excel showing formula not result’ issue:
- You accidentally enabled “Show Formulas” in Excel.
- The cell format in a spreadsheet is set to text.
- ‘Automatic calculation’ feature in Excel is set to manual.
- Excel thinks your formula is text (Syntax are not followed).
- You type numbers in a cell with unnecessary formatting.
How to Fix ‘Excel Showing Formula Not Result’ Issue?
Solution 1 – Disable Show Formulas
If only the formula shows in Excel not result, check if you have accidentally or intentionally enabled ‘show formula’ feature of Excel. Instead of applying calculations and then showing results, this feature displays the actual text written by you.
You can use the ‘Show Formulas’ feature to quickly view all formulas, but if you are not aware of this feature, and enabled it accidentally, it can be a headache. To disable this mode, go to ‘Formulas’ and click on ‘Show formula enabled.’ If it’s previously enabled, it will be disabled by just clicking on it.
Solution 2 – Cell Format Set to Text
Another possible reason that only formula shows in Excel not result could be that the cell format is set to text. This means that anything written in any format in that cell will be treated as regular text. If so, change the format to General or any other. To get Excel to recognize the change in the format, you may need to enter cell edit mode by clicking into the formula bar or just press F2.
Solution 3 – Change Calculation Options from ‘Manual’ to ‘Automatic’
There is an “automatic calculation” feature in Excel, which tells Excel to do calculations automatically or manually. If ‘Excel formula is not showing results’, it may be because the automatic calculations feature is set to manual. This issue is not easily detected because it results in calculating formula in one cell but if you copy it to some other cell, it will retain the first calculation and will not recalculate on the base of the new location. To fix this, follow these steps:
- In Excel, click on the ‘File’ tab on the top left corner of the screen.
- In the window that opens, click on ‘Options’ from the left menu bar.
- From ‘Excel Options’ dialog box, select ‘Formulas’ from the left side menu and then change the ‘Calculation options’ to ‘Automatic’ if it’s currently set as ‘Manual’.
- Click on ‘OK’. This will redirect you to your sheet.
Solution 4 – Type Formula in the Right Format
There is a proper way to tell Excel that your text is a formula. If you don’t write the formula in a particular format, Excel considers it as simple text and hence no calculations are performed according to it. For this reason, keep the following in mind when typing a formula:
Equal sign: Every formula in Excel should start with an equal sign (=). If you miss it, Excel will mistake your formula as regular text.
Space before equal sign: You are not supposed to enter any space before equal sign. Maybe a single space will be hard for us to detect, but it breaks the rule of writing formulas for Excel.
Formula wrapped in quotes: You need to make sure that your formula is not wrapped in quotes. People usually make this mistake of writing a formula in quotes, but in Excel, quotes are used to signify text. So your formula won’t be evaluated. But you can add quotes inside formula if required, for example: =SUMIFS(F5:F9,G5:G9,”>30″).
Match all parentheses in a formula: Arguments of Excel functions are entered in parenthesis. In complex cases, you may need to enter more sets of parenthesis. If those parentheses are not paired/closed properly, Excel may not be able to evaluate the entered formula.
Nesting limit: If you are nesting two or more Excel functions into each other, for example using nested IF loop, remember the following rules:
- Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007 versions only allow to use up to 64 nested functions.
- Excel 2003 and lower versions only allow up to 7 nested functions.
Solution 5 – Enter Numbers without any Formatting
When you use a number in the formula, make sure you don’t enter any decimal separator or currency sign, e.g. $, etc. In an Excel formula, a comma is used to separate arguments of a function and a dollar sign makes an absolute cell reference. Most of these special characters have built-in functions so avoid using them unnecessarily.
What to Do If the Manual Solutions Don’t Work?
If you’ve tried out the manual solutions mentioned above but still unable to resolve the ‘Excel formula not showing result’ issue, you can try repairing your Excel file with the help of an automated Excel repair software , such as Stellar Repair for Excel.
This reliable and competent software scans and repairs Excel files (.XLSX and .XLS). It also helps recover all the file components, like formulas, cell formatting, etc. Armed with an interactive GUI, this software is extremely easy to work with, and its advanced algorithms allow it to fend off Excel errors with ease.
This blog outlined the possible reasons that may cause ‘Excel not showing formula results’ issue. Check out these reasons and implement the manual fixes, depending on what resulted in the problem in the first place. If none of these fixes help resolve the issue, corruption in the Excel file might be preventing the formulas from showing the actual results. In that case, using Stellar Repair for Excel tool might help.
[Fixed]: Freeze Panes not Working in Excel
Summary: This blog discusses the “freeze panes not working” issue in Excel. It mentions the possible reasons behind the issue and offers workarounds and methods to fix it. If the issue is associated with corruption in the Excel file, you can use the specialized Excel repair tool mentioned in the blog to repair the affected file.
The freeze panes feature in Excel is used to freeze the row/column headings to keep them visible while scrolling the worksheet. It is a useful feature when you’re working on a large worksheet containing data that exceeds the rows and columns on the screen. Sometimes, you notice that the ‘Excel freeze panes feature is not working’. There could be numerous factors that can trigger this issue. Let’s know the reasons for the freeze pane not working issue in Excel and how to resolve this issue.
Why can’t I freeze panes in excel?
Several factors may contribute to the Excel freeze panes not working issue in Excel. A few of them are:
- The cell editing mode is enabled in the workbook in which you are trying to use the Freeze Panes feature.
- The Excel file is corrupted.
- The worksheet is protected.
- Advanced Options are disabled in Excel Settings.
- The Excel application is not up-to-date.
- You might be trying to lock rows in the middle of the worksheet.
- Your Excel workbook is not in normal file preview mode.
- Wrong/incorrect positioning of the frozen panes.
How to fix ‘Freeze Panes not Working’ in Excel?
The freeze panes option is available in the View bar. Sometimes, you’re unable to see the View option. It usually occurs if you are using the Excel Started version. Check and try to open the file in the advanced Excel version, which supports all the features. If you are using the advanced Excel version, then try the below workarounds to fix the freeze panes not working issue in Excel.
Workaround 1: Exit the Cell Editing Mode
If your Excel file is switched from normal file view mode to cell editing mode, you can encounter the freeze panes not working issue. In cell editing mode, certain features in Excel, such as the freeze panes, are temporarily disabled to prevent any conflicts. You can disable cell editing mode by pressing the ESC or Enter key. Now locate the View tab and check whether the freeze pane feature is working. If not, then try the next workaround.
Workaround 2: Change the Page Layout View
The Excel freeze panes not working issue can also occur if your workbook is opened in Page Layout view. The Page Layout view doesn’t support freeze panes. If you select page layout, the freeze panes option gets disabled.
To enable the freeze pane option, go to View and click the Page Break Preview tab.
Workaround 3: Check and Remove Options under the Data Tab
Sometimes, you can experience the “freeze panes not working” issue if Sorting, Data Filter, Group, and Subtotal options are enabled in Excel workbook. Such options, when enabled, can lead to unexpected problems with the freeze panes’ functionality. You can check and remove these features from your workbook. To do so, follow these steps:
- Open the Excel file in which you are getting the issue.
- Navigate to the Data tab.
- Check and remove the below features (if enabled):
- Sort
- Filter
- Group
- Subtotal
Workaround 4: Check and Unprotect Worksheet
The freeze panes feature may stop working if your worksheet is protected. You can try to disable the worksheet protection option. Here are the steps:
- In the Excel file, go to the Review tab.
- Click Unprotect Sheet.
After unprotecting the sheet, check whether the “freeze panes not working” issue is resolved. If not, follow the next workaround.
Workaround 5: Use Correct Cell Positioning
The freeze pane is not working issue in Excel can also occur when you use incorrect cell positioning to apply the freeze panes feature. Several users have reported facing this issue when trying to lock multiple rows with the wrong cell selection. So, use correct cell positioning to freeze the rows. For example, if you are trying to lock two rows in an Excel worksheet, then you need to click on 3rd row’s column.
What if the above Workarounds Fail to Fix the Freeze Panes not Working Issue?
If none of the above workarounds works, then there are chances that the workbook is damaged or corrupt. In such a case, you can try the below methods to repair the corrupt Excel workbook.
Run Open and Repair Utility
In case of corruption in the Excel file, you can use the Open and Repair tool in Excel to repair the file. To use this utility, follow these steps:
- In the Excel application, navigate to File and then click Open.
- Click Browse to select the workbook in which you are facing the issue.
- The Open dialog box is displayed. Click on the affected file.
- Click the arrow next to the Open option and then click Open and Repair.
- Click on the Repair option to recover as much data as possible.
- You can see a completion message once the repair process is complete. Click Close.
Use a Professional Excel Repair Tool
If the Open and Repair tool doesn’t work to resolve complex file-related issues and your Excel file is severely corrupted, you can opt for a reliable third-party Excel repair tool, such as Stellar Repair for Excel. This tool can help you repair the Excel file and recover all the data with complete integrity. You can try the software’s demo version to scan the affected file and preview the recoverable data. The software is compatible with all MS Excel versions and Windows operating systems, including Windows 11.
The “freeze panes not working” issue in Excel can occur due to several reasons, like protected worksheet, incompatible Excel version, and incorrect cell position. Try the workarounds shared in the blog to fix the issue. If the Excel file is corrupt, you can use Stellar Repair for Excel to fix the corruption issues in the file. This tool can quickly repair the Excel file and recover all the data from the file with 100% integrity.
Solutions to open Excel Read Only Documents
‘Excel cannot open read-only documents’ is an error message that usually appears when you try to open an Excel (XLS or XLSX) file downloaded from the Internet, email, or the network server. It may also appear when you try to open an encrypted or password-protected Excel document. In such a case, MS Excel prevents the user from making any changes to the document.
Reasons behind the “Excel cannot access ‘xxx.xls.’ The Document may be read-only or encrypted” Error
There could be several reasons that may cause the error. Some of them are as follows:
- Corrupt or damaged Excel workbook
- Incompatible or unsupported add-in
- Antivirus or malware software conflict
- Read-Only Excel file
- The file is encrypted
- File or drive read/write permissions issues
- Protected Excel workbook
- Damaged or missing MS Office (MS Excel) program files
Below are a few solutions that can help you fix the ‘Excel cannot access ‘xxx.xls.’ The Document may be read-only or encrypted’ error and allow you to open and edit Excel documents.
- Remove Read-only Attribute from Excel File Properties
The ‘Excel cannot open read-only documents’ error message may appear when the Excel file property is set to read-only. To check if this is the case, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the particular Excel (xls/xlsx) document and select ‘Properties’.
- Uncheck the ‘Read-only’ attribute and then click the ‘OK’ button.
Now try to open the Excel document and check if the problem is fixed.
- Adjust Antivirus Settings
A few antivirus programs block Excel files and other Office documents by opening those in ‘read-only’ mode. In such cases, try adjusting the antivirus settings to open the Excel files normally. This will allow you to edit, modify, and save the Excel workbook without encountering the “Excel cannot access ‘xxx.xls.’ The Document may be a read-only or encrypted” error message.
- Disable Protected-View
The error may appear when you try to open an Excel file received as email attachments or downloaded from unsafe source. The file may potentially contain viruses, worms, or other types of malware that could damage the system or the server.
To safeguard the system, MS Excel opens such files in Protected View. It may also open an Excel workbook in Protected Mode when it detects a problem with the file. This security feature allows you to read or view Excel files and reduces the risks to the computer system or PC.
However, you can click File > Info and then click ‘Edit Anyway‘ to access and edit file content. You may also disable the Protected View setting via File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings…> Protected View. However, we do not recommend this.
- Renew/Activate Microsoft Office
If MS Office is in a deactivated state or its subscription has expired, the Office documents, including the Excel, could be in ‘read-only reduced functionality mode.’
In such a scenario, activate Microsoft Office or renew the Office subscription. Then open the Excel workbook and check if the problem of ‘Excel cannot open read-only documents’ is resolved.
- Check if OneDrive Storage is Full
If Excel files are saved on OneDrive with low or no storage space, you may encounter such issues with your files.
To know the amount of free space on OneDrive, follow these steps:
- On your PC, open Settings and navigate to OneDrive.
- Click ‘Sync Settings > File Storage‘ to see available space.
You may also visit onedrive.live.com, sign in to the account, and then check the available space. If there’s no space available or the drive is full, empty the storage space and see if the problem is resolved.
- Check and Update MS Office and Windows
Microsoft releases updates to fix known errors. Thus, it is critical to update both Windows and MS Office to the latest release and avoid issues, such as ‘Excel cannot access ‘xxx.xls.’ The Document may be read-only or encrypted.’
- Repair MS Office (MS Excel)
The error ‘Excel cannot open read-only documents’ may appear due to a problem with your MS Office (MS Excel) program. You can repair the MS Office program to resolve such errors. The steps are as follows:
- Open Control Panel and click Uninstall a Program link under Programs.
- Choose Microsoft Office from the list and click the Change button.
- Select Quick Repair and then click Repair to fix problems with MS Office and MS Excel. It will also restore any missing or damaged program files.
After the Repair, open the Excel workbook and check if the error is resolved.
- Check Permissions
The error message may also appear if you access an Excel workbook from a network or shared drive due to lack of write permission. Make sure you have read and write permissions assigned for the particular network drive. Alternatively, you can copy the file from the network drive and save it in your local folder to access and edit it without encountering this error message.
- Repair MS Excel File
If none of the solutions worked, the Excel workbook could be damaged or corrupt. To repair such damaged Excel workbook or spreadsheet, you can use the inbuilt ‘Open and Repair…’ option in MS Excel or install an Excel repair software , such as Stellar Repair for Excel. The software comes in handy when the Open and Repair option fails to fix the Excel workbook problems. It repairs the corrupt or damaged Excel workbook, extracts all components and content from the file with 100% integrity, and saves them in a new Excel workbook.
Sometimes, the ‘Excel cannot open read-only documents’ error can be resolved by a simple restart. But if it doesn’t work, you can follow the solutions discussed in this article to resolve the ‘Excel cannot open read-only documents’ issue. However, if the issue is caused due to a damaged or corrupt Excel workbook, these methods may not work. In such a case, you can use Excel’s inbuilt repair utility, i.e., Open and Repair, or install Stellar Repair for Excel software recommended by MVPs and industry experts to fix all kinds of problems with MS Excel workbooks.
[Fixed] Excel Found a Problem with One or more Formula
Summary: The error ‘Excel found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet’ may appear while saving the Excel workbook. It occurs when Excel found a problem with the formula used in the sheet. However, it may also occur when the Excel workbook gets damaged or corrupt. In this guide, we’ve explained the reasons that may lead to this Excel error and methods to resolve the error, by using various Excel options and a third-party Excel file repair software.
If you are experiencing the ‘Excel found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet’ error message in the Excel workbook, it indicates that the Excel file is corrupt or partially damaged. However, it may also occur due to incorrect reference to a wrong cell or object linking, which is not working. The complete error message says,
‘Excel found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet. Check that the cell references, range names, defined names, and links to other workbooks in your formulas are all correct.’
In any case, resolving the error is critical as it doesn’t let you save the file and may result in loss of information from the Excel workbook.
Reasons for Excel Formula References Error
A few reasons that may lead to such error are as follows,
- Wrong formula or reference cell
- Incorrect object linking or link embedding OLE
- Empty or no values in named or range cells
- Multiple Excel files (not common)
Methods to Resolve ‘Excel Found a Problem with One or More Formula References in this Worksheet’ Error
Following are a few methods that you can follow to fix Excel file that can’t be saved due to problems with one or more formula references in the worksheet.
Method 1: Check Formulas
If the problem has occurred in a large Excel workbook with multiple sheets, it’s quite hard to pinpoint the problem cell. In such cases, you can use the Error Checking option that runs a scan and checks for a problem with formulas used in the worksheet.
To run Error Checking in the Excel sheet, follow these steps,
- Go to Formulas and click on the ‘Error Checking’ button
- This runs a scan on the sheet and displays the issues, if any. If no issue is found, it displays the following message,
The error check is completed for the entire sheet.
In such a case, you can try saving the Excel file again. If the error message persists, proceed to the next method.
Method 2: Check Individual Sheet
The problem may also occur due to an issue with one of the sheets in the workbook. To find the faulty sheet and fix the problem, you can copy each sheet content in a new Excel file and then try to save the Excel file.
This will help you find the faulty sheet from the workbook that you can review. This method makes the entire process of troubleshooting Excel formula reference error quite easy and convenient.
In case the error is not fixed, you can back up the faulty sheet content and remove it from the workbook to save the Excel file.
Method 3: Check Links
When the Excel file contains external links with errors, MS Excel may display such error messages. To check and confirm if external links are causing the error, follow these steps,
- Navigate to Data Tab > Queries & Connections > Edit Links
- Check the links. If you find any faulty link, remove it and then save the sheet
Method 4: Review Charts
You can review the charts to check if they are causing the formula reference error in Excel. It may take a while based on the size of the Excel file. Sometimes, it’s not practically possible to track down which Excel chart object is causing the error. Thus, you need to check specific locations, such as:
- Check horizontal axis formula inside Select Data Source dialog box
- Check Secondary Axis
- Check linked Data Labels, Axis Labels, or Chart Title
Method 5: Check Pivot Tables
To check Pivot Tables, follow these steps,
- Navigate to PivotTable Tools > Analyze > Change Data Source > Change Data Source…
- Check if any of the formula used is problematic. Sometimes small typo, such as misplaced comma, can lead to such problems in Excel. Thus, check each formula thoroughly and correct the formulas wherever needed.
Method 6: Use Excel Repair Software
When none of the methods resolve the error, then you can rely on advanced Excel repair software , such as Stellar Repair for Excel. It’s a powerful tool that is recommended by several MVPs and IT administrators for resolving common Excel errors, such as ‘Excel found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet.’
It repairs corrupt or damaged Excel (.xls/.xlsx) files, recovers Pivot tables, charts, etc., and save them in a new Excel worksheet. It helps Excel users, facing formula reference error, restore their Excel file without any risk of data loss, while preserving the sheet properties and formatting with 100% precision.
Although the error ‘Excel found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet’ can be resolved by using various options in MS Excel, it may lead to a partial loss of information. Thus, you must perform these operations after taking a backup of the Excel worksheet. Also, if the MS Excel options fail to resolve the problem, you can use an Excel file repair software, such as Stellar Repair for Excel. The software helps fix Excel file corruption and restores the information and data from corrupt or damaged Excel files (.xls/.xlsx) to a new worksheet.
- Title: Fix Excel 2016 formula not showing result | Stellar
- Author: Nova
- Created at : 2024-07-17 17:14:22
- Updated at : 2024-07-18 17:14:22
- Link: https://phone-solutions.techidaily.com/fix-excel-2016-formula-not-showing-result-stellar-by-stellar-guide/
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.